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Diabetes in dogs and our experience with Ron

Diabetes is just as common in humans as it is in animals. I never even thought that our dog could have diabetes , because I always considered it as a disease of us, humans. Well, nevertheless. We have an 8 year old mixed breed dog named Ron who we recently found out has diabetes.

Our dog Ron with diabetes

How did we find out that our dog Ron has diabetes?

In Ron's case, it primarily started to show with the fact that he constantly wanted to drink and as a result he also urinated a lot. Maybe we didn't pay so much attention to it in the beginning and thought he was just more thirsty. However, Ron is more of an inside dog and we quickly noticed something was wrong as he was peeing every night. He also had less and less energy and kilograms.

This was going on there for about 5 days before we went to the vet. At the vet, they found out that he has diabetes and as a result, he was prescribed insulin and new food.

I have to admit that when the vet told me what they found and gave me all the instructions, I was dizzy at first.

Well, I soon found out that it's not as bad as it sounds. Within a week, Ron and I had become real masters. Ron cooperates nicely with the blood draw for the blood sugar test and he also quickly got used to the insulin injections, and so did I.

Coping with diabetes

When Ron and I got home from the vet that day, I had to process all the information in my head. We went to buy everything we needed and that's how the first day of life with a dog that has diabetes began for me. We had to buy a device for measuring blood sugar (we bought an Aviva device, as less blood is needed to measure it, which makes things easier) and new food. We already bought insulin, injections and needles from the vet.

Device for measuring blood sugar in dogs

Measuring blood sugar in dogs

To measure blood sugar , the vet told me to take blood from his ear, pad or gums - the most recommended and easiest is from the ear. The first time I tried to measure his blood sugar, nothing came out of his ear, nothing came out of the pad. I tried three times the first day, but there was never any blood. And the next day as well. That's why I watched some videos on YouTube, where they emphasized that the dog must calm down before we poke him to get blood. That's why we have to pet him so that the dog relaxes. He must not be afraid.

I think it is very important not to be afraid of illness and change. It is necessary to accept the disease and live with it. A dog regardless of diabetes can live a full life with proper treatment.

With Ron, I noticed that it is important that he has very warm ears, because if his ears are cold, no blood will ever flow. Hot ears are a sign of good blood circulation, so I always gently massage them for a while before taking blood. Ron enjoys this a lot, and as a result, the ears are also more blood-stained and that drop of blood flows out of them more easily.

Taking blood from a dog's ear

Insulin and suitable needles

When we bought insulin from the vet, we also took some injections and needles along with it. The needles we got from the vet were quite big, so we had a little trouble giving insulin at the beginning. Ron was afraid and more than obviously felt strongly when I poked him. It was very uncomfortable for both of us, because he felt it strongly when I gave him insulin and for me, because I was very uncomfortable doing it in the beginning.

After the first supply was sent, we asked the pharmacy for smaller needles and injections, as we ran out of both. Injections like those needed for "canine insulin" (Caninsulin) can only be obtained from a veterinarian and maybe also at a private pharmacy, so we went to buy them at the veterinarian, but we bought the needles at the pharmacy, as we got smaller ones (0.4x13mm). Since we have smaller needles, giving insulin is a "small snack". He doesn't seem to feel the needle at all, so we get the job done quickly and easily.

Before we give him insulin in the morning and in the evening, we give him food 10-15 minutes earlier. Insulin is given every 12 hours and it is good to always give it at the same time, so it is necessary to choose the time wisely in order to be able to stick to it.

Canine insulin Caninsulin

Wound healing in the diabetic dog

We must also be aware that, just like in humans, the wounds of animals with diabetes heal more slowly. Therefore, we must pay special attention to this. If you notice minor sores or scratches on your dog, take care of them as soon as possible. Our natural Celilček ointment in combination with Celilček + oil will come in handy for faster wound healing. With quick intervention, you can save your four-legged friend from suffering and a visit to the vet.

I think it is very important not to be afraid of illness and change. It is necessary to accept the disease and live with it. A dog regardless of diabetes can live a full life with proper treatment. So just make sure your four-legged friend gets the correct dose of insulin twice a day and enough exercise, and everything will be (almost) back to normal.

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