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Flora 4 Pets products for pets

High quality products for care, protection, regeneration and alleviating pet problems. All natural pet care products are hand-maded, based on traditional recipes and scientific findings, from carefully selected natural ingredients and extracts of medicinal herbs.

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Caring for dog hair in a natural way

Caring for a dog's hair in a natural way is certainly something that all dog owners who are oriented towards the latest trends can master. Just as humans choose cosmetics and accessories for ourselves that are free of harmful chemicals, we are also increasingly reaching for natural products for dogs. Even dry and damaged hair certainly needs proper care, but it is even better if you try to prevent such problems!

Regular grooming strengthens the bond between you and your dog!

Do you know that caring for a dog not only has a good effect on its well-being and shiny and soft fur, but also on your mood? Hmm, maybe now you will enjoy taking care of your dog more 😁. In addition, regular care strengthens the bond between you, which is certainly one more reason not to look at it as a necessary evil, but as relaxation therapy - for both of you!

Mandatory equipment for natural dog care

People are reaching for natural care products more and more; from face creams to wooden toothbrushes and natural shampoos. We do all this in order to avoid harmful chemicals and additives that can cause a lot of problems in the long run. The skin is our largest organ, so it really doesn't matter what we take care of it with. The exact same applies to your dog!

What does your dog's coat say about his health?

Hair is not only a fur coat that protects your dog, but also a very important indicator of the general state of health. A beautiful and shiny coat is certainly the best reflection of a healthy dog, while a dry, damaged coat without a shine can be the first sign that something needs to change. The causes of unhealthy skin and hair are different, learn about some of the most common!

How to take care of a healthy and shiny dog ​​fur?

Shiny dog ​​fur is certainly a reflection of a healthy dog ​​and a happy owner! Of course, not all dog fur can shine as if it had just been oiled, because the quality of the hair or the type of dog fur depends on the breed: some dogs have fur that is naturally softer, supple and silky, other furs are coarser, but still healthy.