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Flora 4 Pets products for pets

High quality products for care, protection, regeneration and alleviating pet problems. All natural pet care products are hand-maded, based on traditional recipes and scientific findings, from carefully selected natural ingredients and extracts of medicinal herbs.

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Caring for dog pads

You could easily say that caring for dog pads is exactly equivalent to a human pedicure. Human feet, which are well cared for, will carry us around with light feet, and exactly the same applies to dog pads, which are otherwise even more exposed, since our furry ones walk around the world naked and barefoot!

Caring for dog paws in autumn and winter

Not only regular brushing, but also taking care of the dog's paws can be a regular part of dog care! In summer, we must protect them from burning asphalt, sharp stones by rivers and seas, and also from flowering grass, if the puppy has problems with contact allergies. In autumn and winter, dogs' paws are under attack due to cold weather, snow and, as a result, salt, which is sprinkled on sidewalks and roads.