What fruits can dogs eat? Can dogs eat bananas?

by Anja S. on June 18, 2019

We all know that dog owners want to provide only the best for their four-legged friends, and nutrition is one of them. When we talk about the summer season, our little pooches need tasty and healthy refreshments as well as we do. Fruits not only can improve your dogā€™s health but they can also serve as great snacks. Thatā€™s why we wanted to introduce you with fruits your dogs can eat.

Why choose fruits over commercial snacks?

Fruits can leave a number of beneficial effects on your dogā€™s skin and immune system. They present a healthier option from commercial snacks that are usually rich in artificial colors and additives. Since some dog breeds are naturally predisposed to suffering from allergies, itā€™s preferable to choose fruits that are natural sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants improve the quality of a dogā€™s skin, prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

On the other hand, by including the fruits into your dogā€™s diet, you can be sure that your pooch got enough fiber that means a lot to his digestive system. Fruits present a great option for a dogā€™s absence of stools and for preventing obesity. However, thereā€™s one thing you need to pay attention to. Since these tasty treats are high in sugar, itā€™s recommended not to include them in high amounts.

Can dogs eat bananas?

Bananas are rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, fiber and vitamin B6, so they will definitely be a great option for a healthy snack throughout the year. Note that they are also high in sugar, so you should not give a whole banana to your pet.

Removing the skin is also recommended since itā€™s hard to digest. On the other hand, banana skin can be used for treating insect bites. You only need to gently rub the dogā€™s hot spot and make it wet of bananaā€™s juice.

Are bananas good for dogs?

Generally speaking, bananas present great snacks not only for dogs but also for people. The only thing to consider is when a dog suffers from diabetes. In that case, you should ask your vet for advice and limit the amount. During summer, you can put them in the fridge and serve as cooling treats to prevent your dog from overheating.

Another option is to mix it with other fruits your dog can eat and prepare a fruit salad.

Can dogs eat apples?

Dogs definitely can eat apples because they are rich in fiber, vitamin C and are low in calories. They are an especially good pick for older four-legged friends that are prone to obesity or suffer from digestive issues.

Dogs can have apples included in their homemade meals, as well as served as healthy snacks.

Are apples good for dogs?

Are apples ok for dogs

They definitely improve not only their digestive systems but also strengthen the skin. The only thing to take into account is removing the appleā€™s skin and seeds. Appleā€™s skin is high in pesticides, while the seeds contain cyanide that can actually be very toxic.

Can dogs eat grapes?

Dog owners always find themselves in a dilemma whether they can give grapes to their dogs.

Well, the answer is no. Although we love to eat them, grapes can be very toxic to our pooches. Itā€™s because the dogsā€™ digestive systems are different from ours. Their stomach acids have different pH and chemical structure, so when they eat grapes, they actually make a toxic mix in their gizzards.

Are grapes bad for dogs?

You should definitely not allow your dog to eat grapes in any kind of shapes. Dried grapes, as well as peeled and without seeds are toxic as well. In case your dog ate grapes then he may show some of the following symptoms: weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration that can even lead to kidney failure.

Can dogs eat strawberries?

Are strawberries good for dogs

Unlike grapes, strawberries are safe for your dog. They are rich in antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C, and low in calories. Antioxidants serve to build your dogā€™s strength of the skin and keep its elasticity. Another thrilling fact is that they also whiten the dogā€™s teeth and improve its immune system.

Are strawberries bad for dogs?

Besides the fact they are safe for dogs, there are is also a precaution. Some dogs can be allergic to strawberries, so you need to notice any strange symptom first time you feed your pooch with them.

In other cases, strawberries are a great choose for dogs. The safest way to serve them is to wash them well and cut into small piece to prevent choking.

Can dogs eat blueberries?

Otherwise known as a superfood, blueberries leave a number of beneficial effects on your dogā€™s health. They not only improve the immune system but also prevent and help a dog to deal with itchy and dry skin. They are high in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins K and C. They protect everyoneā€™s body from free radicals, and even cancer.

Are blueberries good for dogs?

Blueberries are definitely good for dogs of all breeds and ages. However, they are high in sugar, so thatā€™s why we advise you to check with your vet what amount is your dog allowed to eat on a weekly basis.

Can dogs eat watermelon?

Watermelon is definitely one of the favorite summer fruits for most of us. They have a high percentage of water (more than 90%), so you can even serve it cold or frozen to your furry friend. We are sure there isnā€™t better refreshment on a hot summer day.

Is watermelon ok for dogs?

Watermelon is rich in fiber, vitamins B6, A and C, and potassium which implies the healthy building of the immune system. On the other hand, giving too much watermelon to your dog can cause diarrhea, so you need to be very cautious.

Advisable amount of watermelon is 3 bigger slices per week (for adult dogs). Removing the seeds and rinds is highly important in order to escape digestive issues.Ā  Since itā€™s almost impossible to remove all the seeds, a couple of them will surely not cause any problems.

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